67 Essential Self-Care Activities for Moms

Ever find your 'me-time' reduced to hiding in the bathroom for five minutes just to sneak in a chocolate bar?

Even though you are asleep, you are still changing diapers, finding activities, picking up toys, and saying be careful? If this resonates with you, rest assured, you've stumbled upon the perfect post for self-care ideas to get your brain thinking about how you can implement it into your daily life.

This post spotlights self-care activities for moms, offering 67 self-care activities to weave into your daily life.

It's a call to action for moms everywhere to prioritize their well-being, understanding that self-care isn't just for moms with nannies. It's for all moms to help maintain balance, health, and happiness.

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or navigating single motherhood, these accessible self-care strategies promise to replenish your energy and spirit, ensuring you can continue to give your best to your family without neglecting yourself.

Self Improvements Activities Every Mom Can Start Today

Let me suggest simple activities that bring joy and relaxation to your life. It doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive; even small moments can significantly impact your well-being.

Here's a curated list of self-care activities just for moms to help you rejuvenate and maintain your well-being.

Types of Physical and Outdoor Self-Care Activities

  1. DIY Spa Bath: Create a spa experience at home with a lavender-infused Epsom salt bath for relaxation.

  1. Nutritious Snacking: Enjoy a healthy snack, like Greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds, to nourish your body.

  2. Dance or Yoga: Energize yourself with a dance session or find balance with yoga poses like the Tree Pose.

  3. Mindful Morning Stretches: Start your day with yoga, like a sun salutation sequence, to awaken your body and mind.

  4. Nature Walks: Reconnect with nature by walking in a local park or garden.

  5. Professional Massage or Spa Treatment: Treat yourself to a professional relaxation service when possible.

  6. Gardening: Spend some time gardening, whether tending to houseplants or a vegetable patch. Gardening is a great way to connect with nature and enjoy quiet time.

  7. Home Exercise Routine: Establish a simple home exercise routine, such as a quick HIIT workout or stretching exercises, to keep your body active and energized.

  8. Solo Walks or Runs: Take a solo walk or run. This can be a meditative experience and a great way to get some exercise and fresh air.

  9. Go for a Bike Ride: Cycling is good exercise and a way to enjoy the outdoors and clear your mind.

  10. Go Swimming: Swimming is not only good exercise but also very relaxing.

  11. Go Kayaking or Canoeing: Being on the water can be calming and offers a unique perspective of nature.

  12. Go Horseback Riding: Connecting with animals, especially horses, can be a unique and calming experience.

Mental and Emotional Me Time Activities

  1. Reading: Escape into the world of a good book for some escapism. It's a great way to relax and have some alone time.

  2. Journaling: Reflect on your day by writing down positive experiences each evening.

  3. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice short mindfulness meditations daily to clear your mind and reduce stress.

  4. Herbal Tea Ritual: Enjoy a cup of calming herbal tea, like chamomile, in a peaceful corner of your home.

  5. Aromatherapy: Use essential oils like lavender or peppermint to soothe your senses throughout the day.

  6. Listening to Podcasts or Audiobooks: Discover new ideas and stories by listening to podcasts or audiobooks, which you can do even while multitasking.

  7. Digital Detox: Allocate time to disconnect from digital devices. This can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

  8. Stargazing: Find a quiet spot to gaze at the stars, offering peace and wonder.

  9. Watching Sunrises or Sunsets: Spend a moment to watch a sunrise or sunset. It's a simple way to find beauty in everyday life and can be incredibly grounding.

  10. Practice Deep Breathing: Deep breathing exercises quickly and effectively reduce stress and anxiety.

  11. Practice Gratitude: Reflecting on what you are thankful for can improve your mood and outlook.

  12. Cozy Reading Nook: Create a tranquil space for reading and relaxation at home.

  13. Declutter and Organize: Tidying up a small area of your home can be surprisingly therapeutic.

Cultivating a Self-Care Routine During and After Pregnancy

  1. Self-Care During Pregnancy: Join prenatal yoga class, special nutritional snacks, meditation focused on motherhood or enjoy relaxing pampering sessions.

  2. Postpartum Self-Care: Prioritize rest during the postpartum period and accept help to recharge.

  3. Take a Nap - Especially beneficial during pregnancy and postpartum for energy restoration.

Creative Self-Care Ideas for Artistic Moms

  1. Creative Projects: Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, sewing, crossword puzzles, or crafting to stimulate your mind.

  2. Attending a Workshop or Class: Enroll in a workshop or class that interests you, like pottery, creative writing, or cooking classes. This can be a great way to meet new people and learn new things.

  3. Crafting a Vision Board: Create a vision board with images and words that reflect your goals and dreams, helping to focus and inspire you.

  4. Watch a Favorite Movie or Show: Sometimes a good movie or TV show is all you need to relax.

  5. Learn or Play a Musical Instrument: Playing music is a great way to express creativity and relieve stress.

  6. Photography with Your Phone: Explore photography with your smartphone. It's a creative outlet that can be done anywhere.

  7. Do Puzzles or Brain Games: Engage in puzzles or brain games after the kids are asleep. They're fun and stimulate your mind.

  8. Explore a New City or Town: Discovering new places can be exciting and rejuvenating.

  9. Learning a New Skill: Take up a new hobby or skill to stimulate your mind and creativity, like learning a new language or trying to code.

  10. Indulge in a Guilty Pleasure: Allow yourself to enjoy something indulgent guilt-free, like your favorite chocolate.

Single Mom Self-Care

  1. Cooking for Pleasure: Instead of routine cooking, try preparing a new one, buying a new cookbook, or trying a fun recipe, turning the cooking process into a delightful experience.

  2. Regular Emotional Check-ins - Set aside a few minutes each day to assess and acknowledge your feelings without judgment. Use our digital journal to track your mood and stress levels to better manage emotional highs and lows.

  3. Scheduled Unplugged Evenings - Dedicate certain evenings to be completely device-free, allowing for undisturbed quality time with children, which can strengthen relationships and reduce stress from constant connectivity.

  4. Join a Single Parent Support Group - Find or create a local or online support group for single parents. This can provide a valuable outlet for sharing experiences, receiving advice, and forming friendships with others who understand the unique challenges you face.

  5. DIY Spa Bath: Create a spa experience at home with a lavender-infused Epsom salt bath for relaxation.

  6. Nutritious Snacking: Enjoy a healthy snack, like Greek yogurt with berries and chia seeds, to nourish your body.

  7.  Plan a Day with No Schedule: Having a day with no plans can be liberating and restorative.

a quote saying to family you are their world.  in other words take care of yourself because others depend on you

At-Home Self-Care Day Ideas

  1. Take a Long Shower: A long, warm shower can be surprisingly rejuvenating. It's a time to relax and refresh.

  2. Prepare a Special Meal for Yourself: Cook something you love that might not be kid-friendly. It's both therapeutic and a treat.

  3. Take a Digital Detox: Disconnect from electronic devices to reduce stress and improve sleep.

  4. Organize a Space in Your Home: Organizing can be therapeutic and leads to a more peaceful environment.

  5. Learn Through Online Courses: Engage in short online courses or tutorials to learn something new or advanced.

  6. Start a DIY Project: Engage in a manageable DIY project that can be done in stages, fitting into your schedule.

Social Self-Care Activities & Community Engagement

  1. Socialize with Friends: Spending quality time with friends can uplift your spirits and provide a sense of belonging.

  2. Volunteer: Helping others can provide a sense of purpose and boost mood.

  3. Attend a Workshop or Seminar: Educational activities can be stimulating and rewarding.

  4. Go to a Comedy Show: Laughter is a great stress reliever and mood booster.

  5. Visit a Local Farmer's Market: Exploring local produce can be a fun and healthy activity.

  6. Attend a Fitness Class: Group exercises can be motivating and fun.

  7. Go to a Book Club: Discussing a book with others can be stimulating and social.

  8. Take a Dance Class: Dancing is a fun way to exercise and express yourself.

Cultural and Educational Activities

  1. Visit an Art Gallery: Experiencing different forms of art can be inspiring and calming.

  2. Attend a Religious or Spiritual Service: Participating in a faith community can be comforting and uplifting.

  3. Visit a Museum: Engaging with art and history can be a stimulating and relaxing experience.

  4. Attending a Concert or Show: Live music or a theater performance can be an exciting and enjoyable escape.

  5. Visit an Aquarium: Observing marine life can be calming and fascinating.

  6. Visit a Historical Site: Learning about history can be intriguing and inspiring.

  7. Try a New Restaurant: Exploring new cuisines can be a delightful experience.

  8. Visit a Botanical Garden: Enjoying the beauty of a garden can be very calming and uplifting.

Why It's Important to Make Self-Care a Lifestyle

Self-Care is a Game-Changer for Moms

  1. Enhanced Well-being: When prioritizing self-care, you invest in your overall well-being.

    • Physical health (exercise, nutrition)

    • Mental health (stress management, mindfulness)

    • Emotional health (self-reflection, expressing emotions).

      By addressing these areas, you'll experience improved mood, increased energy levels, and reduced feelings of overwhelm.

  2. Role Model for Your Children: Children learn by observing their parents' behavior. When they see you valuing self-care and prioritizing it, they also understand the importance of taking care of themselves. By modeling healthy habits, you're setting them up for a lifetime of self-care practices.

  3. Increased Resilience: Motherhood can be challenging, and there will inevitably be difficult moments. However, consistently engaging in self-care activities builds resilience the ability to bounce back from adversity. This resilience helps you navigate the ups and downs of parenting with greater ease and adaptability.

  4. Me Time: Let's face it, being a mom means your schedule is packed with responsibilities and obligations. Taking time for yourself might seem like an impossible task. However, carving out small pockets of "me time" throughout the day is crucial for your sanity. Whether it's reading a book, enjoying a cup of tea, or practicing deep breathing, these moments of solace can make a world of difference in how you feel.

Progress and Patience with Yourself

Mom, this journey isn't about perfection; it's about progress and patience with yourself. So buckle up, momma! Your self-care expedition awaits!

 As we wrap up this chat, each of the 67 self-care activities for moms was just a starting point. I commend you for recognizing and working to find ways to incorporate a little time for yourself. 

If you're looking for detailed steps to craft the perfect self-care routine tailored for moms. Read the detailed post on the best self-care routines for moms - How to Create the Best Self-Care Routine for Moms” to get started on enhancing your well-being today. 

Taking care of yourself is how you take your power back. It's how you show up with more love, patience, and joy for those cuddle monsters who call you 'Mom.' So whether it's stealing moments for mindful breathing or calling in the reinforcements when you need a break, let these self-care strategies be your secret weapon.  

Get a Weekly Planner + Self-Care Journal

I am excited to offer you: an exclusive digital journal. This journal comes complete with creative prompts, positive affirmations designed for moms, activities to reflect on what you're thankful for, and practical templates for planning your week and organizing your shopping. 

Designed for the active mom, this journal is your key to nurturing a positive outlook every day. Let’s embrace each day with more light and joy!


Hi, I'm Elizabeth Robertson. As a mom to an adventurous little girl, an educator, and a pilot by profession, I've crafted a space that mirrors the essence of my life's passions and unconventional path.


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