Effective Bedtime Tips to Avoid Tantrums With Toddlers

A mother holds a finger to her lips while her toddler sleeps beside her on a bed. The text reads 'Bedtime Routines Made Simple. Your Toddler Will Thank You. Discover Bedtime Ease.' This image is about managing bedtime battles.

Hey there, Momma! Ever wondered why toddler tantrums often peak the moment bedtime rolls around? 

When the stars are out, and you’re ready for quiet time, your little one might decide it’s the perfect moment for a toddler temper tantrum. These emotional outbursts can turn bedtime into a battleground, bringing flashbacks to those first 6 months.

If you can relate, I have GOOD NEWS! By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a few strategies to tackle toddler tantrums and maybe even transform those nightmare nights into peaceful night night time routines.

Keep reading to learn easy-to-implement solutions and become the tantrum-taming ninja mom you were meant to be!

Tips for Smooth Transitions To Reduce Toddler’s Tantrums

"A young child sleeps on a blue blanket, cuddling a teddy bear. The text on the image says 'Quick Tips for Better Nights with Your Toddler. Begin Here.' This image discusses how to stop toddler tantrums at bedtime

Before transitioning into bedtime routine, pick the right time to start.  Make sure your little one is getting enough sleep throughout the night and they are not too tired the next day in return triggering tantrums.  If you do not know the average hours of sleep needed for your little you can ask your pediatrician at the next doctor appointment.

Transition strategies are a great way of guiding young children through the various stages of their bedtime routine.

Here are some practical tips:

  • Wind Down Together: We start to wind down about 90 minutes before bedtime. Start to dim the lights, reduce noise levels, and engage in quiet play or reading so that your toddler knows that bedtime is nearing.

  •  Bath Time Bliss: A warm bath can be incredibly soothing. Use this time for gentle play or sing calming songs together to make it a peaceful experience.

  • Pajama Time: Make changing into pajamas a fun activity rather than a chore. Let your toddler choose their pajamas to give them a sense of control and excitement about bedtime.

  • The Magic of Bedtime Stories: Reading together is a wonderful way to enrich their imagination and establish a bedtime routine. Choose books with soothing themes and gentle narratives is a great way to help them wind down. For some delightful story ideas, check out our blog post on the >> 19 Best Bedtime Stories to Read to Your Toddler.” Make bedtime the most magical part of their day!

  • Gentle Cues: Use cues like turning on a nightlight or playing soft music to indicate it’s time to sleep. Consistency with these cues will help your child associate them with winding down and preparing for sleep.

  • Bedtime Chat: Spend a few minutes talking about their day or what they look forward to tomorrow. This can help alleviate any lingering anxieties or fears they might have, making bedtime a comforting and reassuring time.

  • Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Essential oils like lavender or chamomile have soothing properties that can signal to your little one that it’s time to wind down. 

    • How Aromatherapy in your toddler bedtime routine to reduce tantrums

Diffusers: Place an essential oil diffuser in the bedroom to release calming scents.

Massage: A gentle massage with diluted essential oil can relax your child before bed.

  • Own Bed: Make sure your child feels comfortable sleeping in their own bed. To be honest I have my toddlers bed right next to mine. The bed doesn’t have to be in their own room. This helps with independence and reduces dependency on parents for falling.

How Tiredness, Hunger, and Overstimulation Contribute to Nighttime Tantrums

Now that you know various strategies for transitioning your toddler into bedtime, it's important to understand WHY the nighttime tantrums happen so often.

Understanding these triggers helps us realize toddler night tantrums aren’t intentional misbehavior. They’re cries for help from little ones who are still learning how to handle big emotions on their own.  To further support your child’s emotional development, check out our blog post on >> “What Is Social Emotional Learning For Toddlers”.

Create A Calming Environment

Reduce Stimulating Factors Before Bed

Screens, whether it’s tablets, TVs, or smartphones, emit blue light that can interfere with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This blue light suppresses melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep.

To ensure better sleep quality and smoother bedtimes, establish an electronic device free period at least 90 minutes before bed. Screens can lead to bedtime resistance and cause sleep deprivation, resulting in difficulty falling asleep, frequent night awakenings, and shorter overall sleep duration.

Creating a soothing atmosphere for your toddler’s bedtime can help signal to their brain that it’s time to wind down. Incorporate calming activities into your bedtime routine to promote better sleep.

Sleep-Friendly Lighting

Red Night Light: A soft, dim red nightlight can alleviate the fear of the dark without interfering with melatonin production, promoting better sleep.

Blackout Curtains: Install blackout curtains to block external light and create a dark, sleep-conducive environment.

Dim Lights: Gradually dim the lights an hour before bedtime to signal your child’s body that it’s time to wind down.

Personalized Nightlights: To provide comfort and reduce fear of the dark, use a nightlight that projects soothing images or is shaped like a favorite character.

Soothing Sounds

White Noise or Soft Music: Utilize a white noise machine or soft music to create a calming auditory environment that can mask household noises.

Strategies To Try When Responding to Night Time Toddler Tantrums

A girl brushes her teeth in pajamas, smiling at the camera. The text reads 'Discover the Secret to a 2-Year-Old’s Perfect Bedtime Routine. Embrace Quiet Nights.' This image explains how to deal with toddler bedtime tantrums.

When faced with the high-pitched symphony of a toddler’s night tantrum, it can feel like you’re trying to defuse a ticking time bomb in the dark. But fear not!  There are positive discipline strategies that can help you navigate these nighttime power struggles with woes with the grace of your grandmother. By maintaining a relaxed demeanor, you’re showing them how to regulate their own emotions. Think of it as leading by zen example.

Sometimes toddlers need help switching gears from meltdown mode to calm-cozy-sleepy land.

How to Comfort Your Toddler During a Bedtime Meltdown:

  • Hug it Out: Sometimes, all they need is a cuddle. A firm hug can provide the reassurance they’re seeking.

  • Speak Softly: Use a gentle tone to convey that it’s sleep time, reinforcing the idea that night is for rest.

  • Stay Present: Sit by their bed until they’ve calmed down, letting them know you’re there but not enabling further upset.

  • Nighttime Security: Help your child feel secure by saying goodnight to favorite toys or having a special bedtime phrase.

image of a father reading to son before bed.  the on image text is bedtime bliss ends

Distraction Ideas:

  • Whisper a Story: The softer your voice, the more they have to quiet down to listen.

  • Glow Stars: Redirect their gaze to something mesmerizing, like glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling or a nightlight.

  • Breathing Buddy: Have them take deep breaths with a stuffed animal on their belly. Tell them to watch it rise and fall. It can be pretty soothing

Praise Encouragement Positivity 

Using positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to encourage good sleep and make the bedtime process smoother for our 2-year-old daughter. Praising your toddler for completing each step of the bedtime routine or staying calm during transitions can go a long way in reducing bedtime battles and toddler temper tantrums. 

Here are some specific strategies:

  • Praise Efforts: This reinforces the behavior you want to see and makes them feel accomplished. Praising their ability to calm down after a long day can also be very effective.

  • Reward Chart: Introduce a sticker chart where they earn stickers for good behavior each night. For instance, staying calm through bedtime or falling asleep without fuss can earn a sticker. Collecting enough stickers can lead to a small reward at the end of the week. This method helps foster good habits and makes the bedtime process enjoyable.

  • Weekly Rewards: Small rewards at the end of the week can be a powerful motivator. This could be extra screen time, a new bedtime storybook, or a special outing. The anticipation of a reward can help your child stick to good habits throughout the week. A reward system can be handy after a bad night or during periods of significant changes.

Coping Strategies for Moms

Mom, I didn't forget about you at all, bedtime routines are not one-size-fits-all. What works for one family might not work for another. Here are some personalized tips based on family dynamics and how to manage your stress.

Tips for Moms:

  1. Mindfulness and Deep Breathing: To stay calm, practice mindfulness and deep breathing exercises. For example, taking a few deep breaths before responding to a tantrum can help you stay composed.

  2. Create a Calming Bedtime Routine for Yourself: Just like your toddler, you need a routine to wind down. Consider setting aside a few minutes for calming activities like reading, journaling, or a warm bath after your child goes to bed.

  3. Support Network: Don’t hesitate to contact friends, family, or parenting groups for support. Sharing experiences and strategies can provide emotional relief and practical advice.

  4. Single Parents or Partners Traveling Frequently: Consistency is key when you’re managing bedtime solo. Stick to the routine as closely as possible, even if you’re exhausted from handling everything alone.

  5. Multiple Children: If you have more than one child, stagger their bedtimes slightly so you can give each one individual attention during their routine

Get a FREE Bedtime Routine Checklist

Ready to tame those bedtime tantrums? Download our bedtime routine checklist and start implementing these tips tonight! What bedtime routines have worked for you?

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Hi, I'm Elizabeth Robertson. As a mom to an adventurous little girl, an educator, and a pilot by profession, I've crafted a space that mirrors the essence of my life's passions and unconventional path.


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