97 Powerful Positive “I AM” Affirmations for Toddlers

As Moms, we all wish to fill our toddlers' days with positive energy, nurturing them with care and quality time. We have this potential in their early years, the seeds we plant through our words can cultivate a positivity to take root. 

Group of happy children looking down at the camera with a title '97 Positive Phrases to Empower Your Child Every Day,' emphasizing powerful positive affirmation for kids

This is where "I AM" affirmations come into play. Daily affirmations will help build the fundamental blocks for their future selves, paving the way for personal growth and creating an abundance mindset. These affirmations will help nurture a positive mindset, self-worth, and emotional resilience in your little one

Why Focus on Affirmations?

When toddlers begin to understand and speak, each "I AM" they articulate shapes their self-perception and neural pathways. By repeating phrases like "I AM strong" or "I AM loved," they start to embrace these affirmations as core parts of their identity. 

Your toddler is fostering a profound sense of self-worth and resilience. Research in developmental psychology and neuroscience says that regular engagement with positive affirmations can increase emotional and psychological growth in children.

By adding affirmations into your daily routine, you are helping reduce negative thoughts but also promoting positive changes. This will strengthen their mental health and contribute to an abundance mindset. 


Mom, your role is important. When you model positive affirmations with your toddler, you inspire. Every time you affirm "You are capable" or "You are important," you anchor these words deeply in your toddler's heart.

In this post, you will learn how to integrate these powerful affirmations into your daily interactions to ensure that your toddler grows up empowered, confident, and ready to thrive in every aspect of life.

97 Powerful Positive “I AM” Affirmations for Toddlers to Encourage Confidence and Happiness

“I am” for Building a Strong Self-Image at Early Age

  1. I am loved.

  2. I am beautiful.

  3. I am intelligent.

  4. I am unique.

  5. I am enough.

  6. I am a star in my own way.

  7. I am the author of my story.

  8. I am worthy of my dreams and goals.

  9. I am loved for who I am.

  10. I am important.

  11. I am full of potential.

  12. I am a good influence on my friends.

  13. I am perfect in my imperfection.

  14. I am a source of inspiration for others.

  15. I believe in myself.

  16. I make a difference.

A colorful mind map with the central text "I am" surrounded by words like loved, kind, brave, and smart, illustrating positive I am affirmations for toddlers and powerful positive affirmations for kids

Help Your Toddler with Confidence and Self-Expression “I am” Affirmations

  1. I am confident.

  2. I am proud of myself.

  3. I am smart.

  4. I am a leader.

  5. I am the power to make my dreams come true.

  6. I am talented in my own unique way.

  7. My opinion matters.

  8. My voice is powerful.

  9. I bring joy to those around me.

  10. I can be anything I want to be.

  11. I am worthy of respect.

List of daily affirmations for kids on a colorful background, including 'I am joyful' and 'I am determined,' highlighting positive I am affirmations for toddlers

Managing Toddlers’ Big Emotions with Positive Affirmations

  1. I am calm.

  2. I am patient.

  3. I can express my emotions in healthy ways.

  4. I am safe.

  5. I am relaxed.

  6. I choose to focus on what I can control.

  7. I appreciate the beauty around me.

  8. I choose happiness.

  9. I accept myself.

  10. I love challenges they make me stronger.

Instilling a Positive Mindset About Learning With Affirmations for Toddlers

  1. I can learn.

  2. I am curious.

  3. I am growing and learning every day.

  4. I am eager to learn.

  5. I am a problem-solver.

  6. My ideas are valuable.

  7. Mistakes help me learn and grow.

  8. I can always improve with practice.

  9. My possibilities are endless.

  10. I can learn from my failures.

  11. I make the world a better place.

Teaching Toddlers’ about Kindness Through Positive Words

A cartoon superhero boy stands next to a starburst speech bubble that reads "I am kind," showcasing positive affirmation for children and positive I am affirmations for toddlers.
  1. I am kind.

  2. I am caring.

  3. I am a good friend.

  4. I am respectful to others.

  5. I am thoughtful and considerate.

  6. I am helpful.

  7. I am thankful.

  8. I share.

  9. I am polite.

  10. I listen well.

  11. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

A bright and playful affirmation chart for children with phrases like 'I am loved' and 'I am unique,' promoting positive affirmation for children

I am Affirmations for Resilience and Determination

  1. I am strong.

  2. I am brave.

  3. I am determined.

  4. I am resilient.

  5. I am a leader of my own life.

  6. I stand up for what I believe in.

  7. I can overcome obstacles.

  8. I will keep going, even when it's tough.

  9. I can do hard things.

  10. I can make good choices.

  11. I choose kindness.

  12. I can spread positivity.

  13. I am getting better every day.

  14. I am focused and persistent.

  15. I am going to succeed with time and effort.

  16. I can change the world.

Positivity with Words of Encouragement

  1. I can spread positivity.

  2. I can make a positive impact.

  3. My challenges help me grow.

  4. I contribute in my own special way.

  5. I give myself permission to make choices.

Importance and Benefits of Affirmations for Toddlers

Why Use Positive Affirmations for Toddlers?

Mom, introducing these powerful affirmations early in life is a great way to set a strong foundation geared toward positive thinking. This early mental conditioning fosters positive changes. 

As your toddler grows and enters the challenging years of adolescence, they do so with high self-esteem and a strong sense of self-worth. You are doing more than speaking kind words. You are being proactive which is the best way to ensure that your toddler develops a healthy internal dialogue.

Cognitive and Emotional Growth through Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that you can add to your toolbox to help both cognitive and emotional development in toddlers. 

  • Cognitive Benefits: Affirmations reinforce your toddler's cognitive development by encouraging positive self-talk. This helps to establish a pattern of positive thinking that supports learning and curiosity. This positive impact lays down neural pathways that promote persistence and resilience in the face of challenges.

  • Emotional Regulation: From an emotional perspective, affirmations equip your toddler with the tools to manage stress and navigate complex feelings. A toddler who practices affirmations such as "I am calm" learns to regulate emotions effectively, particularly during transitions or stressful moments.

Consider the scenario of your toddler's first day at preschool. Your toddler is crying, and you are crying. The other toddlers are crying. Here, affirmations serve not just as comforting words, but as a primary love language that reassures and calms them down. 

You can tell your toddler, "You are brave" or "You are loved," which functions like an emotional anchor, offering them the confidence needed to venture into new experiences.

Mom, I didn’t forget about you here are 75 affirmations that are just for you.

The 5 Benefits of Using Affirmations With Your Toddler

  1. Building Self-Esteem with Affirmations

  • Cultivating a Positive Self-Image

Affirmations are a powerful tool in the development of self-esteem. They will provide your toddler with the early framework for a positive self-image. 

Regularly hearing positive words like "I am valuable" or "I am kind" helps toddlers appreciate their own worth and unique qualities. This practice not only fosters self-respect but also prepares them to face life's challenges with a resilient outlook.

2. Stress Reduction

These affirmations "I am calm" or "I am safe" can significantly reduce anxiety and stress in your toddler. Here's how they contribute to creating a more serene environment for your child:

  • Emotional Anchors

Affirmations serve as emotional anchors during challenging moments. When a toddler is feeling overwhelmed, repeating calming affirmations can help them feel secure and grounded. It's like giving them a mental comfort blanket that they can reach for whenever they need.

3. Reinforcing Self-Respect Through Positive Language

By integrating affirmations into daily interactions, parents and family members can reinforce a toddler’s sense of self-respect. Phrases such as "I am loved" and "I am capable" encourage toddlers to see themselves through a lens of positivity. This is important during their formative years. These affirmations lay the groundwork for your toddler to believe in themselves and their abilities. Setting a solid foundation for all future learning and interactions.

4. The Role of Affirmations in Building Resilience

The use of positive affirmations helps toddlers build resilience by shaping how they perceive challenges. For example, when a toddler encounters difficulty, having a background of positive self-affirmation helps them reframe setbacks as opportunities. Statements like "I am persistent" teach them to approach difficulties with determination, enhancing their ability to persevere instead of giving up.

5. Behavioral Improvements

With regular practice, affirmations can lead to fewer tantrums and episodes of distress. As toddlers learn to calm themselves with these phrases, such as "I am relaxed," they build the groundwork for long-term emotional health and resilience.

4 Steps on How to Use "I AM” Affirmations Effectively with Your Toddler

1. Choose Simple, Age-Appropriate Language

  • Keep it short and sweet: Toddlers grasp simple ideas more readily. Start with "I AM BLANK". Some examples can be found here (link to post) "I AM kind" or "I AM brave."

  • Be Intentional: Select affirmations for everyday activities. For example, if you are teaching your toddler about their feelings, affirm this action with "I AM Happy."

2. Create an Affirmation Statement List

A cartoon superhero girl stands confidently next to a comic-style speech bubble that says "I am loved," promoting powerful positive affirmation for kids and positive I am affirmations for toddlers

Right now, toddlers can't read, but they can pick up patterns and recognize more than we give them credit for.

  • Put them on walls or mirrors. Place stickers or notes on mirrors where your toddler can see them alongside you.

  • Turn them into magnets for the fridge.

  • Write them on sticky notes and put them in random areas of the house.

  • Create affirmation jars.

  • Visual affirmation boards.

  • Video recording family doing affirmations.

3. Repeat Them Consistently

Incorporate affirmations into daily routines regularly to reinforce the message.

  • Morning Affirmation Time: Start the day on a bright note by saying uplifting phrases together after waking up.

  • Mealtime Moments: Use mealtimes to express gratitude and positive statements about food and eating together.

  • Bedtime Blessings: End the day calmly with quiet, reflective affirmations that comfort and prepare for sleep.

  • Spontaneous Support: Say affirmations during unexpected moments throughout the day to reinforce positive messages when your toddler is having a meltdown. Say "I am calm" or "I want to talk about my feelings."

4. Ways to Integrate Affirmations with Fun Activities

Toddlers learn best through play, so why not make it fun?

  • Engage with actions: Pair affirmations with gestures or actions to make them memorable. Clap hands with "I AM smart" or jump high with "I AM strong."

  • Sing it aloud: Turn affirmations into a song or rhyme. Melodies stick in the mind and can turn affirmation time into a joyous occasion.

  • Incorporate a touch of art: Encourage them to draw pictures representing different affirmations.

  • Play dress-up: Games where they pretend to be characters that have qualities from their affirmations.

  • Use Technology: Watch videos featuring characters who use positive self-talk and affirmations. Video recording family doing affirmations can be precious keepsakes that reinforce positive memories associated with self-affirming beliefs.

Final Thought on Positive Message

Incorporating a list of positive affirmations into your toddler's daily routine is the most important thing you can do for their mental and emotional development. 

Affirmations are powerful and have the ability to counteract low self-esteem and replace negative self-talk with positive thoughts.  By understanding your own love language and using the love language of words of affirmation, you can provide your toddler with unconditional love and support. 

By doing this, you are making a powerful statement and a positive contribution to their future. Mom, it's the little things that have a profound effect just add a few affirmations into your everyday life. 


Hi, I'm Elizabeth Robertson. As a mom to an adventurous little girl, an educator, and a pilot by profession, I've crafted a space that mirrors the essence of my life's passions and unconventional path.


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